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博弈 The Game书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9780142407189
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2007-03
  • 页数:179
  • 价格:39.20
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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Grade 5–8—What if just outside of Earth's known atmosphere there sat another layer that was actually a different dimension? Such is the premise for this novel. For as long as she can remember, orphan Hayley has lived sequestered away with her strict grandmother and mysteriously busy grandfather. A chance meeting on an outing lands her in big trouble and she finds herself shipped off to stay with relatives in the country. Here Hayley meets dozens of cousins who invite her to play a strange game. Its object is to go to different places in the mythosphere and retrieve various items while dodging mythological creatures. The plot thickens when she meets her father and learns that he and her mother are both trapped in the mythosphere as punishment for their illicit marriage. Hayley frees them and discovers that she, like all of the other characters in the story, is really a mythological figure who can live in either realm. Meanwhile, the frightening family patriarch, Uncle Jolyon, finds out about the game and comes after the girl, her parents, and her cousins. As he prepares to punish them all, Hayley pierces his chest with a star, causing him to transform into the planet Jupiter. While the beginning parallels The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, the story takes off on its own midway through. There is a whole lot of plot for such a little novel, and readers unfamiliar with mythology won't fully appreciate it.—Nicki Clausen-Grace, Carillon Elementary School, Oviedo, FL.


Diana Wynne Jones, was born in London, England. At the age of eight, she suddenly knew she was going to be a writer, although she was too dyslexic to start until she reached age twelve. There were very few books for children in the house, so Diana wrote stories for herself and her two younger sisters. She received her B.A.atSt. Anne's College in Oxford before she began to write full-time.

Her many remarkable novels include the awardwinning Archer's Goon, Howl's Moving Castle (made into a major animated feature by Japanese director Hayao Miyazaki), F/re and Hemlock, the Dalemark Quartet, The Tough Guide to Fantasyland(also available from Firebird), Dark Lord of Derkhobn, Year of the Griffin, The Merlin Conspiracy, and the Chrestomanci books ,Charmed Life, Witch Week. The Lives of Christopher Chant, The Magicians of Caprona. Conrad's Fate. and her most recent novel, The Pinhoe Egg).

Diana Wynne Jones lives with her husband. the medievalist J. A. Burrow. in Bristol. England. the setting of many of her books. They have three grown sons and five grandchildren.

Her Web site is www.leemac.freeserve.co.uk










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Starred Review. Celestial intrigue and the nature of storytelling are just two of the strands woven together in Jones's (the Chrestomanci books) inventive novella. Sent from her grandparents' London home in disgrace, Hayley arrives in Ireland to stay with her aunts and cousins in their rambling castle home. The girl takes to her new life almost immediately, especially the thrilling game her cousins play, in which they venture into the mythosphere—a mysterious realm where they perform various tasks drawn from the worlds of fairytale, myth and legend. In the course of her own quests, Hayley discovers the truth about her own unearthly nature. She gets the chance to rescue her long-lost parents from dreadful fates, to which they've been condemned by domineering Uncle Jolyon, a power-hungry god thinly disguised as an unpleasant business man. Readers less familiar with classical mythology will be helped (and may well find their interest piqued) by a note at story's end that clearly links the original Greco-Roman characters with their modern-day avatars. A sparkling treat. Ages 12-up.


Hayleyas parents disappeared when she was a baby. Since then, she has been raised and homeschooled by her grandparents. Grandad is overworked and travels a lot; Grandma is much too strict and never lets her meet any children her own age. When Hayley does something wrongashe is not quite sure whatathey pack her off to her aunts in Ireland. To Hayleyas shock, her family is much bigger than she thought; to her delight, the children all play what they call athe game,a where they visit a place called athe mythosphere.a And while she plays the game, Hayley learns more about her own place in the world than she had ever expected. This original novella by Diana Wynne Jones is sharply funny, fast-paced, and surprising until its very endalike all of this acclaimed authoras work.


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