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Stalin 斯大林书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9781842127261
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2003-01
  • 页数:693
  • 价格:79.20
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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There have been many biographies of Stalin, but the court that surrounded him is untravelled ground. Simon Sebag-Montefiore, acclaimed biographer of Catherine the Great's lover, prime minister and general, Potemkin, has unearthed the vast underpinning that sustained Stalin. Not only ministers such as Molotov or secret service chiefs such as Beria, but men and women whose loyalty he trusted only until the next purge. Here is the Stalin story from the inside, full of revelations. How the death of Stalin's wife was hushed up - was it suicide? How the Soviet leaders and their families lived and partied inside the Kremlin walls. What happened on the first day of war with Germany in 1941. The fullest account of the meeting between Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill that settled the fate of the axis powers. And how the Great Terror in which 10 million died actually happened.

Robert Service (St Antony's, Oxford), former head of Russian history at the School of Slavonic Studies, U. of London: 'Simon Sebag Montefiore has pulled it off. His book succeeds in giving us an intimate picture of daily life in the Kremlin under Stalin. The arrests and killings are not ignored; indeed Montefiore supplies extra chapters and verses on the process by which the Soviet dictator moved against his enemies real and potential. An abundance of the sources are wholly new. The result is a gripping account. Stalin was a vengeful conspirator and a murderous leader. But he was also 'normal' in many ways. He was convivial, solicitous and even flirtatious. When he wanted, he could be quite a charmer. This duality has long been under-appreciated, but it helps to explain why Stalin was admired as well as feared by his associates - and indeed why his power endured. This is a fundamental theme and it is one of Montefiore's that he handles it with excitement and cogency.'


List of Illustrations

Stalin Family Tree


Introduction and Acknowledgements

List of Characters



1 The Georgian and the Schoolgirl

2 The Kremlin Family

3 The Charmer

4 Famine and the Country Set: Stalin at the Weekend

5 Holidays and Hell: the Politburo at the Seaside

6 Trains Full of Corpses: Love, Death and Hysteria

7 Stalin the Intellectual

8 The Funeral

9 The Omnipotent Widower and his Loving Family: Sergo the Bolshevik Prince

10 Spoiled Victory: Kirov, the Plot and the Seventeenth Congress

11 Assassination of the Favourite

12 Tm Orphaned': the Connoisseur of Funerals

13 A Secret Friendship: The Rose of Novgorod

14 The Dwarf Rises; Casanova Falls

15 The Tsar Rides the Metro

16 Take Your Partners; Mount Your Prisoners: the Show Trial

17 The Executioner: Beria's Poison and Bukharin's Dosage

18 Sergo: Death of a 'Perfect Bolshevik'

19 The Massacre of Generals, Fall of Yagoda, and Death of a Mother

20 Blood Bath by Numbers









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There have been many biographies of Stalin, but the court that surrounded him is untravelled ground. Simon Sebag-Montefiore, acclaimed biographer of Catherine the Great's lover, prime minister and general, Potemkin, has unearthed the vast underpinning that sustained Stalin. Not only ministers such as Molotov or secret service chiefs such as Beria, but men and women whose loyalty he trusted only until the next purge. Here is the Stalin story from the inside, full of revelations. How the death of Stalin's wife was hushed up - was it suicide? How the Soviet leaders and their families lived and partied inside the Kremlin walls. What happened on the first day of war with Germany in 1941. The fullest account of the meeting between Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill that settled the fate of the axis powers. And how the Great Terror in which 10 million died actually happened. Robert Service (St Antony's, Oxford), former head of Russian history at the School of Slavonic Studies, U. of London: 'Simon Sebag Montefiore has pulled it off. His book succeeds in giving us an intimate picture of daily life in the Kremlin under Stalin. The arrests and killings are not ignored; indeed Montefiore supplies extra chapters and verses on the process by which the Soviet dictator moved against his enemies real and potential. An abundance of the sources are wholly new. The result is a gripping account. Stalin was a vengeful conspirator and a murderous leader. But he was also 'normal' in many ways. He was convivial, solicitous and even flirtatious. When he wanted, he could be quite a charmer. This duality has long been under-appreciated, but it helps to explain why Stalin was admired as well as feared by his associates - and indeed why his power endured. This is a fundamental theme and it is one of Montefiore's that he handles it with excitement and cogency.'


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  • 引人入胜:9分

  • 现实相关:3分

  • 沉浸感:7分

  • 事实准确性:8分

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  • 内涵好书(204+)
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