正版包邮 走出焦虑 约翰·哈里 著 不焦虑的活法 焦虑症的自救心理学书籍 情绪管理 心灵修养自我疗愈心理学书籍 畅销书籍 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

正版包邮 走出焦虑 约翰·哈里 著 不焦虑的活法 焦虑症的自救心理学书籍 情绪管理 心灵修养自我疗愈心理学书籍 畅销书籍精美图片

正版包邮 走出焦虑 约翰·哈里 著 不焦虑的活法 焦虑症的自救心理学书籍 情绪管理 心灵修养自我疗愈心理学书籍 畅销书籍电子书下载地址

》正版包邮 走出焦虑 约翰·哈里 著 不焦虑的活法 焦虑症的自救心理学书籍 情绪管理 心灵修养自我疗愈心理学书籍 畅销书籍电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《

正版包邮 走出焦虑 约翰·哈里 著 不焦虑的活法 焦虑症的自救心理学书籍 情绪管理 心灵修养自我疗愈心理学书籍 畅销书籍书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787548455516
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2020-06
  • 页数:288
  • 价格:19.90
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:平装-胶订
  • 开本:32开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
  • 豆瓣短评:点击查看
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导论:谜团 // 001



1. 魔杖 // 012

2. 失衡 // 020

3. 悲伤除外 // 030

4. 月球上的第一面旗子 // 037



5. 捡起那面旗子 // 048

6. 原因1:和有意义的工作决裂 // 049

7. 原因2:孤独 // 059

8. 原因3:和有意义的价值观断裂 // 076

9. 原因4:与童年创伤失联 // 090

10. 原因5:和地位、尊重失联 // 099

11. 原因6:和自然界失联 // 106

12. 原因7:和有希望或者有保障的未来失联 // 114

13. 原因8和9:基因和脑变化的真正作用 // 123



14. 奶牛 // 136

15. 这座城市是我们建造的 // 140

16. 重联1:与他人重联 // 154

17. 重联2:社交良方 // 163

18. 重联3:有意义的工作 // 174

19. 重联4:致有意义的价值观 // 183

20. 重联5:体谅的快乐以及战胜自恋 // 190

21. 重联6:承认并战胜童年创伤 // 211

22. 重联7:重塑未来 // 215

结束语:回家 // 224

致谢 // 230

注释 // 234


约翰·哈里 《纽约时报》畅销书作家,他的作品《追逐尖叫》已被翻译成11种语言出版发行。目前,此书已被电影制作人乔·罗斯改编为一部虚构类剧情长片。哈里为包括《纽约时报》和《洛杉矶时报》在内的多家主要媒体撰稿,他在TED大会上发表的以《你对上瘾的所有认知都是错误的》《这是你为什么焦虑和抑郁的原因》为题的演讲以及根据此次演讲制作的同名动画短片已获约2000万次的点击量。

田伟华 1979年生,祖籍河北任丘,毕业于西安外国语大学,资深译者。主要译作有《瓦尔登湖》《菊与刀》《马克·吐温短篇小说集》《莎士比亚十四行诗》《长腿叔叔》《寻欢作乐》《刀锋》等数十部作品。






Some people said to Irving—so what? Okay, so say it’s a placebo effect. Whatever the reason, people still feel better. Why break the spell? He explained: the evidence from the clinical trials suggests that the antidepressant effects are a largely a placebo, but the side effects are mostly the result of the chemicals themselves, and they can be very severe.

“Of course,” Irving says, there’s “weight gain.” I massively ballooned, and saw the weight fall off almost as soon as I stopped. “We know that SSRIs [the new type of antidepressants] in particular contribute to sexual dysfunction, and the rates for most SSRIs are around 75 percent of treatment-engendered sexual dysfunction,” he continued. Though it’s painful to talk about, this rang true for me, too. In the years I was taking Paxil, I f...

One day, after these revelations had got a lot of press coverage, Guy—the grad student Dr. Watson—was at a family party when one of his relatives came up to him. She had been taking antidepressants for years. She burst into tears, and told him she felt that he was saying everything she had experienced on antidepressants—her most basic emotions—were false.

“I’m absolutely not,” he said to her. “The fact that most of [the effect] is placebo just means that your brain is the most incredible, incredible part of your being—and your brain is doing a terrific job of making you feel better.” It’s not that the way you feel isn’t real, he said. It’s that it has a different cause than the one you have been told about.

She wasn’t convinced. She didn’t speak to him again for years.

You can’t escape it: when scientists test the water supply of Western countries, they always find it is laced with antidepressants, because so many of us are taking them and excreting them that they simply can’t be filtered out of the water we drink every day

This evidence then goes to the regulators, whose job is to decide whether to allow the drug onto the market. But in the United States, 40 percent of the regulators’ wages are paid by the drug companies (while in Britain, it’s 100 percent). When a society is trying to figure out which drug is safe to put on the market, there are meant to be two teams: the drug company making the case for it, and a referee working for us, the public, figuring out if it properly works. But Professor Ioannidis was telling me that in this match, the referee is paid by the drug company team, and that team almost always wins.

The field is just sick and bought and corrupted, and I can’t describe it otherwise.” I asked him how it made him feel to have learned all of this. “It’s depressing,” he said. That’s ironic, I replied. “But it’s not depressing,” he responded, “to the severe extent that I would take SSRIs [antidepressants].”

I tried to laugh, but it caught in my throat.

It’s a devastating point, and Peter has proved it quite powerfully. But it puzzled Irving when he heard it, and it puzzled me. The leading scientific defender of antidepressants, Peter Kramer, is making the case for them by saying that the scientific evidence for them is junk.





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