WHAT WOULD GOOGLE DO 谷歌会怎么做 下载 pdf 百度网盘 epub 免费 2025 电子版 mobi 在线

》WHAT WOULD GOOGLE DO 谷歌会怎么做电子书籍版权问题 请点击这里查看《


  • ISBN:9780061709715
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2009-01
  • 页数:272
  • 价格:158.40
  • 纸张:胶版纸
  • 装帧:精装
  • 开本:16开
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
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From Publishers Weekly

This scattered collection of rambling rants lauding Google's abilities to harness the power of the Internet Age generally misses the mark. Blog impresario Jarvis uses the company's success to trace aspects of the new customer-driven, user-generated, niche-market-oriented, customized and collaborative world. While his insights are stimulating, Jarvis's tone is acerbic and condescending; equally off-putting is his pervasive name-dropping. The book picks up in a section on media, where the author finally launches a fascinating discussion of how businesses—especially media and entertainment industries—can continue to evolve and profit by using Google's strategies. Unfortunately, Jarvis may have lost the reader by that point as his attempt to cover too many topics reads more like a series of frenzied blog posts than a manifesto for the Internet age. (Jan.)

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Jarvis, columnist and blogger about media, presents his ideas for surviving and prospering in the Internet age, with its new set of rules for emerging technologies as well as industries such as retail, manufacturing, and service. We learn that customers are now in charge, people anywhere can find each other and join forces to support a company’s efforts or oppose them, life and business are more public, conversation has replaced marketing, and openness is the key to success. Jarvis’ other laws include being a platform (help users create products, businesses, communities, and networks of their own); hand over control to anyone; middlemen are doomed; and your worst customer is your best friend, and your best customer is your partner. Jarvis offers thought-provoking observations and valuable examples for individuals and businesses seeking to fully participate in our Internet culture and maximize the opportunities it offers. It is unclear what role Google played, if any, in the preparation of this book, which provides excellent advertising for the company.


Jeff Jarvis is the proprietor of one of the Web's most popular and respected blogs about the internet and media, Buzzmachine.com. He also writes the new media column for the Guardian in London. He was named one of 100 worldwide media leaders by the World Economic Forum at Davos in 2007 and 2008, and he was the creator and founding editor of Entertainment Weekly. He is on the faculty of the City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism in New York City.



Google Rules

 New Relationship

  ·Give the people control and we will use it


  ·Your worst customer is your best friend

  ·Your best customer is your partner

 New Architecture

  ·The link changes everything

  ·Dowhatyoudo best andlinktO the rest

  ·Ioin anetwork

  ·Be a platform

  ·Think distributed

 New Publicness

  ·If you’re not searchable,you won't be found

  ·Everybody needs Googlejuice

  ·Life is public,SO is business

  ·Your customers are your ad agency

 New Society

  ·Elegant organization

 New Economy

  ·Small is the new big

  ·The post-scarcity economy

  ·Join the open—source,gift economy

  ·The mass market is dead—long live the mass of niches

  ·Google commodities everything

  ·Welcome tO the Google economy

 New Business Reality

  ·Atoms are a drag

  ·Middlemen are doomed

  ·Free iS a business model

  ·Decide what business you're in

 NexN Attitude

  ·There is an inverse relationship between control and trust

  ·Trust the people


 Neve Ethic

  ·Make mistakes well

  ·Life iS a beta

  ·Be honest

  ·Be transparent


  ·Don’t be evil

 New Speed

  ·Answers are instantaneous

  ·Life iS live

  ·Mobs form in a flash

 New Imperatives

  ·Beware the cash COW in the coal mine

  ·Encourage,enable,and protect innovation


 ·Get out of the way

If Google Ruled the World


The Google Times:Newspapers,Post-paper

Googlewood:Entertainment,opened up

GoogleCollins:Killing the book to save it


Generation G




















Ever since I started working with computers, I've found it terribly seductive that there is always a solution to a problem involving machines and software. You just have to find it. If only life were so symmetrical and complete. I fear young people today could become more disappointed with the harsh, illogical, and incomplete reality of life than my generation was.



A bold and vital book that asks and answers the most urgent question of today: What Would Google Do?

In a book that's one part prophecy, one part thought experiment, one part manifesto, and one part survival manual, internet impresario and blogging pioneer Jeff Jarvis reverse-engineers Google—the fastest-growing company in history—to discover forty clear and straightforward rules to manage and live by. At the same time, he illuminates the new worldview of the internet generation: how it challenges and destroys, but also opens up vast new opportunities. His findings are counterintuitive, imaginative, practical, and above all visionary, giving readers a glimpse of how everyone and everything—from corporations to governments, nations to individuals—must evolve in the Google era.

Along the way, he looks under the hood of a car designed by its drivers, ponders a worldwide university where the students design their curriculum, envisions an airline fueled by a social network, imagines the open-source restaurant, and examines a series of industries and institutions that will soon benefit from this book's central question.

The result is an astonishing, mind-opening book that, in the end, is not about Google. It's about you.


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